Personnel Home |
Bakersfield City School District |
The Bakersfield City School District is currently accepting applications for
the following positions. |
employment applications must be completed, signed and received by 4:00 p.m.,
PT on the closing date in order to receive consideration. Please check the
individual Job Opportunity on the Personnel link for any further instruction
pertinent to each position. |
Teaching Positions |
The Bakersfield City
School District currently has openings in the following areas: |
Jr. High/Middle School English, Math & Social Science | |
Speech Therapist | |
While we do not have vacancies in any other areas at this time, we are continuing to accept application packets for all teaching positions pending any future openings. |
Required Paperwork for Substitute Teacher Applicants | |
Certificated | |
Certificated application process. | |
Certificated application. | |
Classified | |
Classified application process. Typing and Shorthand Certificate Information | |
Classified Application | |
Management | |
Management application process. | |
Classified Management application. | |
Certificated Management application. | |
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Job Opportunity Hotline |
Management/Certificated: | (661) 631-4871 |
Classified: | (661) 631-4870 |
Questions or problems
regarding this web site should be directed to: |